Rabbits are small animals who belong to the Lagomorpha family, which is very closely related to the rodent, or Rodentia family. They make great household pets, as they exhibit some of the affectionate personality traits a cat or dog may. As you interact with your furry friend, you begin to wonder if they will remember the interaction. Rodents are known for having a great memory and being quite intelligent but are rabbits, who are in a different, but very similar family?
So, do rabbits have a good memory?
Yes, rabbits do have good memories. They have a very good memory of location as well as emotions. A rabbit will often base their emotions off of an experience they remember happening.
I will be discussing the memory of a rabbit, as well as experiences that may leave a negative or positive impression on your rabbit’s memory. Lastly, I will be identifying some other interesting characteristics that rabbits possess.
Do Rabbits Have a Good Memory? Yes, Rabbits Are Known for Having a Good Memory. In Fact, the Entire Lagomorph Family is Considered to Have Very Good Memory. Rabbits Are Very Good at Remembering Locations, in Terms of Hiding Places and Places that May be Unsafe. Also, Rabbits Form an Opinion About People Based Off of Experiences They Remember.
Rabbits have a very good memory when it comes to location, which is also known as “orientation memory.” If a rabbit discovers a spot either in their cage, your home, or outside where they feel safe, they will continuously return to that spot.
Your rabbit will remember that this spot creates a feeling of comfort, and they will regularly seek it out.
This comes in handy since rabbits are prey animals. If rabbits are on high alert and unsure if danger will be approaching, it is very helpful to remember a location that is safe and comforting.
Rabbits are also very good at remembering events that evoke an emotional response in them. For example, if you were to step on your rabbit accidentally, they would most likely remember this encounter for a while and be cautious around you.
Being stepped on mimics being attacked by a predator in a rabbit’s mind, so if their owner were to step on them, even accidentally, a sense of fear would wash over them which they would not soon forget.
An accident such as this is enough to make a rabbit who was once friendly become very defensive and aggressive. This rabbit may feel the need to be in a defensive mode until the memory of the accident is not so fresh.
What Kinds of Experiences Will Leave a Lasting Memory with Your Rabbit?
There are Many Experiences that Will Leave a Lasting Impression with Your Rabbit, and They Can be Either Positive or Negative. It is Important to Keep an Eye on the Types of Experiences You Are Sharing with Your Pet, as Your Pet Will Remember These Experiences Long After. How You Interact with Your Pet Is the Opinion they Will Have of You.
When you are interacting with your rabbit, you want to do everything in your power not to scare, overwhelm, or push them too far emotionally. Rabbits are very delicate creatures who become nervous easily, so this characteristic should be treated with respect.
If you do something that scares your pet greatly, they will have a difficult time trusting you for a while. The memory of the fear you created for them will not be forgotten easily, so acting carefully around rabbits is essential.
As we established with the example of stepping on a rabbit, something that is just an accident can be traumatizing for the rabbit. This is why it is important to be very careful when playing with your pet, walking near them, or handling them as not to injure them. An accidental injury will not be forgiven by your pet easily.
When petting them, or giving them attention in some way, it is also vital to learn the correct way to approach them. Never come at your pet abruptly, or from behind. Both of these actions remind a rabbit of a predator, and both will terrify them.
When handling a rabbit, you should move with slow movements, and always allow the rabbit to see what you are doing. Avoid their blind spots, which are right in front of their nose, behind them, and under their chin.
It is also important to listen and watch for signs that your rabbit is ready to be left alone. If the rabbit is growling, grunting, or lunging, then it is highly recommended to give them a break. This is a sign that they are overwhelmed, or angry, and you will continue to push them too far if you choose to keep interacting with them.
Positive interactions include sitting with your rabbit as they play, and following cues which show you what your pet wants from you. If your rabbit is nudging you, flopping down in front of you, or licking you, then they are likely looking for some affection.
These are all signs that your pet is satisfied with your presence.
If your rabbit is letting you pet them while lightly grinding teeth, then this is a sign that they are very content and enjoying the experience greatly.
Reading the cues and signs your rabbit gives you, as well as respecting their personality will lead to positive memories towards you, rather than negative or fearful ones.
Rabbits Have Good Memories, but What Other Interesting Characteristics Do They Have? Rabbits Are a Very Interesting Animal, with many Quirky, Unique Traits. How They Act Will Depend on Their Owner, As Well As How They Are Feeling in Their Home. However, there are Many Characteristics a Rabbit Can Demonstrate.
Some of these unique characteristics are…
- Performing an excited, high jump known as a “binky”
- An increase in temperature when feeling happy or content
- Face-licking as a sign of being grateful
- Feeling relaxed or happy by laying with legs spread out to the sides or behind the body
- A rabbit’s ears may move in order to hear sound better
- Rabbits are able to sweat through their paws
- Rabbits are not capable of vomiting; however, they do excrete two different types of droppings.
- Rabbits chew 120 times per minute, and have over 135,000 taste buds
- A rabbit will use their hind legs, which are very strong, to kick or defend themselves if they feel threatened.
- Rabbits require four hours of exercise per day and may suffer from osteoporosis if they do not achieve this.
- Rabbits do not typically enjoy being picked up
- Domestic rabbits cannot breed with American wild rabbits; however, they can breed with European wild rabbits.
Rabbits Do Have a Very Good Memory. A Rabbit Will Most Likely Remember the Experiences You Have with Them, Both Positive and Negative. This is Why it is So Important to Be Careful with How You Interact with Your Pet Rabbit.
On top of having a good memory when it comes to emotional situations, a rabbit will remember locations they either want to go to or want to avoid. This is a characteristic that is very beneficial for their survival.
When you are interacting with your pet, you must respect the fact that they are very timid, and fearful animals. They will remember the negative experiences, as well as the positive. They will also base their opinion of you off of these experiences.
Overall, a rabbit’s memory is a very interesting and useful characteristic for them.