Do Male Pet Rats Fight?
Many mammals are known to fight over territory and mates, especially if the animal is a male. If you have a male pet rat, you might be wondering whether rats deviate from the norm...
Do Female Rats Have a Period?
Everyone knows that female humans have a period every month. But is the same true of female rats? So, do female rats have a period? No, female rats don’t have a period. If your female...
Do Male Rats Spray?
If you are planning on getting a rat or you just got one as a pet, you probably have many questions about their behavior. And among the most common ones are whether a male...
Rats as Pets: Pros and Cons, Cost, Lifespan, Care, Facts, Safety
Rats are a somewhat unconventional pet that nonetheless have
captured the hearts of many. While some people may think of rats as dirty
animals that live in alleyways and eat trash, pet rats are very different...
Why Is My Rabbit Depressed?
get depressed. It surprises many rabbit owners to see their pet acting sad. I
suggest you learn the symptoms and causes of depression in rabbits. In fact, I
get asked by rabbit owners all the time...