When you keep multiple rabbits together, there may be the chance that they could end up fighting with each other. This is especially true when you are keeping male rabbits together. However, females can also start to fight, as well as opposite-sex pairs. If your rabbits are already fighting, you may be confused at how to get them to stop.
How do you stop your rabbits from fighting each other? Separate your rabbits at the first sign of fighting. If they are not spayed and neutered, you should consider having them fixed to stop hormonal fighting. Slowly re-introduce your rabbits to each other so that they can properly bond again. Keep a closer eye on your rabbits for signs of fighting.
What do I do if my Rabbits Start Fighting?
The first thing you should always do when you notice your rabbits fighting is to separate them. Rabbits can injure each other, or even eventually fight to the death. And even without the threat of injury, constant fighting will also cause unnecessary stress to all rabbits in the cage. Rabbits could even fight to the death if left alone.
Starting the bonding process all over again is crucial to making sure your rabbits get along again in the future. Keep them in separate cages when they are not being supervised. Take the rabbits out of the cages in neutral areas to allow them to explore, smell each other, and play with each other. If the fighting is not severe, you may consider keeping their cages close to each other so that they can get used to the smell of each other. However, this may make hormonal fighting worse.
Why do Rabbits Start to Fight?
Unfortunately, there can be a lot of reasons why rabbits are fighting. But finding out what the reason is will be the first step to getting your rabbits to stop fighting. If you are keeping two males together that are not neutered, your very first step should be to get one or both of them neutered. Hormonal fighting is the most common reason that males fight.
If you have just recently introduced one of your rabbits, they might be fighting because you moved the introduction along too fast. You should take the time to slowly and properly bond your rabbits together before keeping them in the same cage. This is because you don’t want them to injure or even kill one another due to fighting.
Also consider that one of your rabbits may be ill or developing a health issue. If you suspect this is the reason why your bunnies are fighting, consider taking them to the vet. Your veterinarian can further help you with how to proceed with your pets. Rabbits may also start to fight due to a move, recent re-homing, or the presence of new pets in the home.
How do I Know my Rabbits are Fighting?
You may be confused as to whether your rabbits are fighting or not, but you may also have a suspicion that they are. Blood and injuries are obvious signs of fighting, but what are some other ways to know? If you hear your rabbits chasing each other or see signs of a struggle in the cage, this may be a sign. They may also be making signs of pain, fear, or distress.
Witnessing your rabbits biting each other is an obvious sign of fighting. They may also begin to hump each other out of dominance. Rabbits who are not getting along will not show signs of bonding, such as sleeping next to each other, eating each other, or otherwise appearing to get along. If you suspect your rabbits are fighting, spend more time with them to find out for sure. And if you don’t have the time, try to separate them just in case until you can figure out if they are fighting or not.
Will Spaying and Neutering Stop the Fighting?
If you are keeping two unneutered male rabbits together, the very first thing you should do is get one or both of them spayed. Hormones can cause two male rabbits to fight until they seriously injure or kill each other. This is because hormones will cause male rabbits to become territorial and fight other bunnies in their living space. Fortunately, neutering will help stop the flow of hormones. Usually, rabbits get along better after they are fixed.
In the case of two female rabbits, spaying may help to stop fighting. However, hormones are less likely to cause two female rabbits to fight than two males. But if you are keeping a male rabbit with a female rabbit, at least one must be fixed. This is to prevent your rabbits from creating unwanted babies. A male rabbit may also kill the babies that are born if he is living in the same cage with a pregnant female when she gives birth.
What do I do if my Rabbits Injure Each Other While Fighting?
First of all, make sure to separate the injured rabbit as soon as possible. You also want to prevent both rabbits from getting additional injuries. If the injury is severe or cannot be treated at home, take the injured rabbit to the vet as soon as possible. And if your rabbits injure each other severely enough, they may have to be permanently separated. That is because it may be impossible at this point to have the bunnies re-form their bond.
Be especially cautious when combining rabbits of different ages. This is because young rabbits are very vulnerable and they can easily be harmed by an older rabbit. Rabbits of different sizes can have the same problem. This is why you should watch for any signs of fighting if you are keeping a larger breed of rabbit with a smaller one.
Can my Rabbits Fight to the Death?
Many rabbit owners don’t realize that their rabbits may possibly fight each other to the death. This is much more common among male rabbits who have not been neutered. This is because unneutered males will often fight due to hormonal urges. Keep a close eye on your rabbits, especially if you notice any signs of fighting. When you catch early signs of fighting, separate the rabbits so that you can take steps to prevent them from fighting to the death.
Will Female Rabbits Fight?
Even though it is more common for male rabbits to fight each other, female rabbits may also fight on occasion. Spaying may help prevent female rabbits from fighting. But if it doesn’t you may want to consider other reasons they are fighting. If you have recently introduced your rabbits, you may need to separate them. Take this opportunity to have your rabbits re-bonded properly before trying to keep them in the same cage. This may help stop your female rabbits from fighting.
Does Introducing Bunnies at a Young Age Prevent Fighting?
Many rabbit owners believe that introducing their bunnies at a very young age will keep them from fighting as they grow older. The thought is that they will get used to each other from the time they are little, and then they will not fight. However, this is not always the case with rabbits. While this is more likely to be successful with female rabbits, it may not be the case with two males.
Two brothers may get along when they are little, but that could change. As male rabbits get older, they mature and begin to experience hormonal problems. This means that two male bunnies who were together as babies could start to fight as they get older. Remember, neutering male rabbits is the best way to keep them from fighting. Male rabbits are more likely to fight to the death than females.
Remember, take it slow with your rabbits if they start to fight. Separate rabbits at the first sign of fighting so that they cannot injure or kill each other. And if you have anything to share about rabbits fighting, please leave your thoughts in the comments section.
Related Questions
How do you get two rabbits to bond? Make sure that you carefully bond two rabbits. Keep them separated until they are fully bonded with each other! Give two rabbits plenty of play time in a neutral territory outside of a regular cage. Watch out for any signs of fighting or not getting along.
Will rabbits fight each other to the death? Unfortunately, sometimes rabbits may fight until one kills the other. This is much more common with male rabbits. However, female rabbits may occasionally fight to the death. This is much more likely to happen when one rabbit is of a much larger breed than the other one. Your rabbits may also fight to the death if one is very young or very old.
Can you keep one male rabbit and one female rabbit together? You should only keep one male and one female together if at least one of them is fixed. Without being fixed, your rabbits will breed and produce a large number of babies. If kept together, a male rabbit may end up killing the babies that he has fathered.