When I first got my rabbit, I was worried that how will I save it from predators, specifically cats, as I already had a cat. In this
So, do cats eat rabbits? The question is pretty simple and so is the answer. Generally, cats are predator and rabbits are prey so: Yes, Cats do eat rabbits. However, there can be variations depending upon the situation, breed, type, environment and a lot of other factors that needs to be considered in order to know that in what situations a cat will go for a rabbit.
This article will help you in getting a better understanding of all the situations in which a cat may or may not kill a rabbit, or if it decides to kill it, will the cat eat the rabbit or not. Here are some of the things that you can go through quickly to have a complete idea of how and when to save your rabbit:
The Difference Between Killing a Rabbit and Eating It:
While for some people, this might be the same thing, it is not for cats. Most cats do kill rabbits but not always eat them. These are two different things and the need is to understand them as separate processes as well. Cats are difficult creatures to understand; just like humans. We as humans possess diverse range of mood swings and there are various differences between us that create boundaries on the basis of class, ethnicity, gender, physical attributes and many more.
Cats Psyche Rabbits
Same is the case with cats; each cat will have a different psyche that it follows and it is in some way determined by the environment that it is living in. one of the examples to understand the difference between killing a rabbit and eating one can be this: if it is a stray cat and probably very hungry, after killing a rabbit, it will go on and eat it. But if it is your pet just like mine and is well fed, chances are that it will just kill the rabbit and leave the body. Although, there can always be exceptions so you need to be careful. Another thing could be the fact that many cats after killing a rabbit prefer to eat just the head and leave the rest of the body. It is a cat so you do not have to be rational about it all the time. At least, for starters you need to know the nature of the cat and if it is a type of cat that will go for a rabbit as its prey or not (that is if you have a cat and are thinking of having a rabbit as well).
Train the Cat to Not Eat Your Rabbit:
Yes, you can certainly train your cat to not go after the new member of your family. The significant part to understand here is that like other predators, not every cat will always predate for a rabbit. This identifies that there is a possibility that you can stop a cat from eating the rabbit. In fact, there is also a chance that your cat and rabbit becomes best friends, at least that is what happened in my case. However, to make this happen you will have to put in some effort from your side as well. At an initial level, you can make the cat familiar of your new pet, but while making sure that the rabbit is at a safe distance and in a hutch that will protect it in an emergency situation. Moreover, you can continue arranging such interactions until you feel confident that you can have these two opposite natured blessings of God together in a safe space. This will help them in internalizing the concept that they live together and your cat will never eat your rabbit.
Protect Your Rabbit From Stray Cats:
There have been instances when the owner was not at home and some stray cat broke in and attacked the rabbit. This is common and so if this is your first time dealing with rabbits, you need to make sure that you do everything that you certainly can to protect your rabbit. There is a higher chance that a stray cat will eat your rabbit as mentioned above. What I did to protect my rabbit when I was not around was to build a proper hutch from wood that is very difficult to break. This is also to save your rabbit from other predators. For a cat, you need to remember this one thing: Never leave your rabbits open in outdoors while you are away! You might think that no one is that careless, but believe me, there are people who do that. Whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally, if you leave your rabbit open on its own and that too in lawn or the backyard, you might never be able to see it again when you come back home. Understand the risk that is involved and take actions needed once you own a rabbit.
It is Important to Protect a Rabbit From Cats:
Rabbits are herbivores and so are not harmful in anyway. But these little creatures that can bring smile on anyone’s faces are always in danger. They are the best meal for almost all the carnivores in the neighborhood and probably in your own house. Just imagine the consequences of not protecting this little bunny of yours; you can lose it in just a matter of seconds if you do not take immediate measures that need to be taken. Cats are potential predators as they like to test their hunting skills and what would be better than trying it on a little rabbit? For them, it is just as simple as drinking milk, a part of their routine but for you, it can turn into a tragedy. The way cats kill and eat rabbits can make you hate cats but that is not their fault if they can eat a rabbit. It is your responsibility to protect your pet just like you would protect your child. You need to own your rabbit and trust me when I say this, once you have a rabbit, you will feel like never letting it go.
Do Not Take Predators Lightly:
As stated above, rabbits can be the best meal for a predator which includes cats as well. If your rabbit prefers being outdoors and is not an indoor bunny, let it be close to nature but just make sure that you take these safety measures for your outdoor rabbit:
- Hutch Strengthening: if the cage is outdoors, you need to make sure that it is strong enough to protect your rabbit from any predator.
- Lock the hutch: if there is a possibility to lock the hutch, just lock it! You might think that a cat or any other animal won’t be able to open a cage but they can leave you in shock by doing so. It is normal for them to be sneaky and to get what they want. Why do you think will a stray cat not make an effort to eat your tiny bunny?
- Supervise: if you want your rabbit to roam around the garden and play for a while, there is no harm in it, but you need to make sure that you are there. Even if it is for just a couple of minutes, avoid leaving your rabbit alone. This tiny pet of yours needs someone to be around so that it feels safe and can play happily.
Related Questions:
- Are there any other threats to a rabbit apart from cats and other predators? There are a number of other factors that can harm your rabbit and which you need to consider before getting a rabbit for yourself. One of the aspects is weather conditions, the other one can be your house which needs to be rabbit proof before allowing your bunny to hop around.
- What are some other ways to make sure that your rabbit is happy? You can do a number of things to keep your bunny satisfied. Some of them may include taking care of their water and food, their shelter, making sure that you cover the shed properly and most of all take care of their health. Routine checkups with your vet are necessary to make sure that this delicate creation of God is safe. At last, love them unconditionally, give them attention, care, love and no cat will even dare to eat your rabbit. If a cat knows that this bunny has a protector, they will avoid it.