How Do You Know If Your Bunny/Pet Rabbit Loves You? Here are 16 Ways...
Loving our bunnies is always a top priority as pet owners,
but sometimes we want a little bit of love and affection sent back our
direction. Our bunnies do plenty of things that can indicate that...
Can Rabbits Swim? Yes, But Please Read Before Making A Mistake
Rabbits are spectacular pets and have some unique
characteristics. They can show love in ways other animals can’t and they can
surely bring a smile to our face each day. This is what makes rabbit owners...
Are Rabbits Nocturnal? Find Out Below
For millennia, we humans
have gone to sleep when it’s dark and stayed awake during the day. What about
your bunny rabbit? You just can’t tell when they sleep. Sometimes they’re up
with you in the morning...
Do Rabbits Have Homing Instinct?
A lot
of rabbit owners may be interested in the idea of “free range” rabbits, similar
to the practice of having free range chickens. They may think that their
bunnies will be happier if they are allowed...
Do Rabbits Cry? A Look into Your Rabbits Emotions
Our bunnies hold a spot close to our hearts. For any rabbit owner, I’m sure you could agree with this. They are emotion filled creatures who we form an outstanding bond with. Some owners...