We all love our bunnies and want to care for them in the best possible ways. As a rabbit owner, we will always have concerns about what best practices may or may not be. Some of this information can even be tough to find direct answers to which can leave you a bit confused at times. We also know the cuddling nature of our rabbits, and I’m sure the same question I had, has crossed your mind once or twice as well. Can your pet bunny sleep in your bed? After some due diligence and research, here is what I have learned.
So, can your pet bunny sleep in your bed? Yes, your pet bunny can sleep in your bed with you. You need to ensure the room is bunny proofed. Also, you want to be sure your rabbit is trained to use a litter box to avoid accidents in the room or the bed. Baby rabbits should not sleep in your bed.
Look at this funny video how rabbits
I’m sure you have more questions about how this works and how you can effectively set up the environment appropriately to allow your bunny to cuddle up with you at night with no fears of any harm being caused to your rabbit. I’m sure you also want to protect your bedsheets, carpet and other belongings.
Let’s dive into some of the considerations and precautions that need to be covered before allowing your bunny to sleep in your bed with you.
Bunny Proofing and Keeping the Environment Safe for Your Rabbit
We already discussed how it is possible and not a huge deal to allow your rabbit to sleep with you in bed. Keep in mind, that the room needs to be safe for your rabbit. Your rabbit should be to come and go from the bed as he or she pleases but not be allowed to fully exit the room. Your bunny won’t sleep through the entire night in most circumstances.
With this being the case, it’s crucial that electrical cords are not exposed or accessible to your rabbit. Rabbits have very sharp teeth. It wouldn’t take much for your rabbit to slice through an electrical cable to a lamp or other electrical devices. You can use outlet covers and hard plastic sleeves to cover exposed wires. You can find these covers easily at home improvement stores for relatively cheap. You can also consider using flex tubing large enough to surround visible wires and electrical cords that could cause harm to your rabbit.
Don’t Only Protect Your Rabbit, Protect Your Belongings
If you’re going to allow your rabbit to sleep in your bed, you need also to protect yourself to some extent. Rabbits love baseboards and moldings. Rabbits have the same chew habits as a 10-week-old golden retriever. If they can access it and destroy it, they most likely will. You can find furring strips at any hardware store in your area and attach them with Velcro strips to your trim and moldings. This is a cheap alternative as opposed to having damaged or chewed up trim work in your bedroom.
Don’t Allow Your Rabbit to Come and Go
Allowing your rabbit to sleep with you in bed in one isolated room is one thing. Giving your rabbit full access to roam the entire house an entirely different story and quite dangerous for your rabbit. Again, as stated before, your rabbit will not sleep soundly through the whole night. He or she will come and go as they please from the bed at random times.
If your rabbit can access other areas of the home,
• Close Doors and Block Access to Leave the Room
• Use Baby Gates/Pet Gates If Necessary, to Limit Movement
Will Houseplants Hurt my Rabbit?
Yes, if you allow your rabbit to sleep with you, you will want to remove houseplants if any exist in the room you plan on sleeping in. Houseplants can become dangerous to your bunny and can contain toxins and other hazardous chemicals that could cause illness or even death to your rabbit.
Either remove the plants from the room where you intend on sleeping or place them in areas your bunny can’t reach or access.
Let’s assume you have followed all directions and consider your room safe to allow your bunny to sleep with you, what else needs to be considered?
Ensuring Your Rabbits Doesn’t Use the Restroom on Your Bed or Floor
If you are taking the approach to allow your bunny to sleep in your bed from time to time, it’s advised that you do this after your bunny is familiar and trained on his or her litter box. You don’t want to be washing those bed sheets daily or purchasing multiple bottles of resolve weekly for your carpets.
Your bunny should have access to use the restroom in the middle of the night if he or she needs to do so. Have the litter box accessible for your bunny in the room you are sleeping in.
Do Rabbits Like to Sleep on Beds?
Yes, whether it’s a bed designed explicitly for your bunny or sleeping in your bed, your bunny enjoys it. It makes your bunny feel safe and comfortable. It’s advised as well to avoid very plush beds or coverings. Your bunny may mistake this texture as something he or she is permitted to pee on. We don’t want that. We want a night of cuddles and proper rest.
Keep in mind that if your bunny has been using his or her own bed that attempting to have your bunny sleep with you may not be an immediate smooth transition. If this is the case it’s probably better to use the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it approach.” Some individuals state that their bunny just can’t settle down and continue to hop, climb and play around in this setting as opposed to sleeping and remaining calm and cuddly.
Will My Bunny Sleep Through the Night?
Yes, rabbits are considered Crepuscular. This means that they should sleep through the night without issue. However, the most active times for your bunny are going to be sunrise and sunset. If you are not an early riser, you may not want to sleep with your rabbit unless you want a sweet furry friend informing you that it’s time to get moving and start your day.
Do Rabbits Prefer to Sleep in The Dark?
Yes, rabbits prefer to sleep in the dark. In the wild, rabbits are preyed on heavily by predators. To counter this, rabbits are used to and programmed to burrow and rest in deeper, darker hiding spots. Keeping lights off or to a minimum will help your rabbit feel as if he or she is in a natural environment.
How Else Can I Make My Rabbit Comfortable to Sleep in My Bed with Me?
We have already covered how to rabbit proof the room for safety and some other best practices to exercise to ensure your rabbit is safe and comfortable. Outside of that, it’s all about keeping your rabbit comfortable during this process if you choose to allow your rabbit to sleep with you. Here are a few additional recommendations for you.
4 Other Considerations to Keep in Mind About Your Bunny
1.) Don’t Force It. If it’s apparent your rabbit is not comfortable with this arrangement, allow your rabbit to sleep in his usual resting place.
2.) Your room or home should be between 60 degrees F and 70 degrees F ideally. A few degrees fluctuation is not the end of the world, but rabbits do best in these temperatures.
3.) Don’t corner your rabbit or make him or feel trapped. If you do, your rabbit can begin to panic.
4.) Don’t smoke or use tobacco products in the room you will sleep with your rabbit in
Will Sleeping with My Bunny Increase Our Bond? Does My Rabbit Love Me?
Yes, your rabbit loves you and rabbits are very loving and social animals. Sleeping in your bed isn’t a requirement to earn your rabbits love but it surely isn’t going to hurt the bond if the rabbit feels comfortable in the environment and the room is safe for your rabbit and free of hazards. Rabbits have even been documented to become depressed without other rabbit/human interaction.
If your rabbit doesn’t enjoy sleeping with you and your time is limited, consider getting a second rabbit friend to keep him or her company.
Putting It All Together- It’s not 100% Necessary, but It is 100% Okay to Sleep with Your Bunny
Let your rabbit tell you if sleeping in your bed is something he or she wants. Don’t force it and always keep the room safe for your bunny. If it works out, that’s excellent, and it won’t cause any harm to your rabbit. They may love it, and they may prefer to go back to your original sleeping arrangements. Keep the lights off and be prepared to wake up early to your furry friend greeting you.
Do you have any stories related to your bunny sleeping in bed with you? Any further recommendations not discussed in this post? Be sure to drop a comment below.