Home Authors Posts by petsial


Can Rats and Hamsters Mate

Can Rats and Hamsters Mate? Attraction Behavior Breeding

Rats and hamsters are both in the rodent family, but they are as different as they can be. If you own both of them,...
Do Pet Rats Fart

Do Pet Rats Fart? Meaning and Reasons

Having a pet rat is a never-ending adventure, and there’s always something fun happening. Most rat owners are aware that their pets can’t burp...
Do Pet Rats Eat Cockroaches

Do Pet Rats Eat Cockroaches? Insects for Protein

Rats are well-known as omnivores and creatures that will eat just about anything. However, when you have a pet rat, you have to make...
Can Pet Rats Live With Mice or Guinea Pigs

Can Pet Rats Live With Mice or Guinea Pigs?

If you already have a pet rodent, you may think that it’s a good idea to pair them up with another rodent and let...
Do Pet Rats Really Like Music

Do Pet Rats Really Like Music? Unexpected Effect

Once you get a rat, you’ll notice that they can form an affinity to certain things. Perhaps it will be certain games, food or...