Fruit is a great treat for a rabbit, but you may be wondering what fruits are safe for your rabbit to eat. Some fruits have chemicals that may harm your rabbit, while others may be extra sugary and risk causing obesity or digestive issues. It’s important to be informed before you feed your rabbit anything, especially fruit.
What fruits can rabbits eat? Some fruits that are okay for rabbits include papaya, peaches, and melons. However, you should only feed your rabbit fruit one or two times a week, and you should never feed fruit to a baby or overweight rabbit.
Can Rabbits Eat Apples?
Yes, rabbits can eat apples. The most important thing is to make sure your rabbit doesn’t eat any apple seeds or stem, so you should core and slice the apple carefully before feeding any of it to your rabbit. Eating the seeds or stem can cause sickness or even death in your rabbit. You can cut the apple into small pieces to make it more accessible to your rabbit, but make sure it doesn’t choke. Apples are very sugary fruits so you should feed your rabbit apples in moderation. Don’t give them more than a small slice at a time and only feed them apples sparingly. If your rabbit begins to gain weight after you begin feeding it apples, reduce the amount of fruit you are feeding it or try a different fruit that contains less sugar and therefore less calories.
Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?
Yes, rabbits can eat oranges. However, just because oranges will not hurt your rabbit doesn’t mean they’re good for it. While oranges are a good source of vitamin C for humans, rabbits make their own vitamin C naturally, or get vitamin C from leafy greens which are a better source than oranges. Oranges don’t have high amounts of sugar, but they are more acidic than other fruits so you should feed them to your rabbit sparingly. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing ulcers or stomach acid issues. As with any new food, introduce the oranges into your rabbit’s diet slowly, starting with small pieces and watching for any health issues or digestive reactions. If your rabbit shows no negative symptoms once the oranges are fully introduced, it is safe to use them as a treat.
Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?
Yes, rabbits can eat grapes. While grapes are not good for dogs, they present no significant issues to rabbits. However, you should be careful when feeding grapes to your rabbit and watch for any sign of digestive issues. Grapes can cause gas and bloating in rabbits when fed too frequently, and can also alter the acidity of your rabbit’s stomach. This can stop the growth of the good bacteria that your rabbit needs to absorb nutrients. If your rabbit has no problems with grapes, just make sure to wash the grapes thoroughly with water before feeding them to your rabbit, as the pesticides used on grapes can cause serious health issues. Make sure not to use soap when washing the grapes as this can also cause health issues. You should always remove the skin and seeds from the grape before feeding it to your rabbit.
Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?
Yes, rabbits can eat strawberries. Strawberries are a good source of antioxidants that can keep your rabbit healthy, but you shouldn’t feed your rabbit more than one medium sized strawberry at a time. A good rule of thumb is to feed your rabbit two tablespoons’ worth or less depending on its weight. Try to vary the treats you give your rabbit rather than only feeding them strawberries or one other type of fruit, as fruits don’t have all the nutrients rabbits need. Alternate between fruits and high-nutrient vegetables to keep your rabbit healthy. You can also feed your rabbit the strawberry tops and strawberry plant in addition to the fruit. Just make sure to cut the fruit into small pieces, including the top. It’s best to buy organic strawberries to lower the risk of pesticides and other contaminants.
Can Rabbits Eat Bananas?
Yes, rabbits can eat bananas. However, bananas are an extremely sweet and sugary fruit, so you should only feed your rabbit very small amounts, typically a 1 inch slice or less of a medium sized banana. You can also feed your rabbit the banana peel, and in fact some rabbits may prefer the texture and flavor. Be very careful when feeding your rabbit bananas and monitor them for any signs of digestive issues or other health issues such as weight gain. Bananas, including the peel, are high in starches, which rabbits are not biologically equipped to digest properly. A buildup of starch in your rabbit’s stomach can cause severe diarrhea and even death. Feed bananas even more sparingly than other fruits, and never use them as a meal replacement. If your rabbit prefers a crunchy texture, you can dry banana chips in the oven as an alternative to fresh bananas. However, don’t buy banana chips from the store as they often have added sugars and oils.
Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries?
Yes, rabbits can eat blueberries. Blueberries, along with strawberries, are one of the few fruits whose seeds you can feed to your rabbit. The seeds are so small that they won’t do any harm to your rabbit’s digestive system, but if you’re concerned you can remove them before feeding the berry to your rabbit. Blueberries are low in sugar, which means they are better for your rabbit than other high-sugar fruits. Blueberries also contain antioxidants and minerals that promote a healthy brain and cells. It’s better to feed your rabbit fresh blueberries rather than frozen blueberries because freezing blueberries can degrade some of the nutrients. Even though blueberries are on the healthier end of the spectrum, you should still limit how much you give to your rabbit to avoid lethargy and weight gain. Try to find organic blueberries if possible and always wash them thoroughly before feeding them to your rabbit. If you have a smaller rabbit, you may want to cut the blueberries in half before feeding them to your pet.
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon?
Yes, rabbits can eat watermelon. Watermelon is rich in vitamins and minerals that can keep your rabbit healthy, and the high amounts of water will keep it hydrated. However, watermelon is low in fiber, which is important to your rabbit’s diet. You should only feed your rabbit watermelon sparingly, and make sure they are getting enough fiber from other sources. Be very careful to remove all of the seeds from the watermelon before giving any to your rabbit. You can also give your rabbit the watermelon rind, which contains more fiber and higher concentrations of the nutrients than the inside of the watermelon. You can feed your rabbit both the white and green parts of the rind, but make sure to cut it up into small enough pieces. Wild rabbits will eat the leaves on watermelon plants, so it’s fine to feed your rabbit the leaves too. Don’t feed your rabbit a watermelon that’s spoiled or rotten; it’s better to feed your rabbit a watermelon that’s not ripe yet than it is to feed it a spoiled watermelon. Feeding your rabbit an unripened watermelon won’t hurt it.
Can Rabbits Eat Cantaloupe?
Yes, rabbits can eat cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is rich in many vitamins and minerals that will keep your rabbit healthy, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and antioxidants, plus lots of fiber and water. Your rabbit may prefer the rind to the inside of the cantaloupe, as most rabbits love crunchy textures. The rind has even more fiber than the rest of the cantaloupe and is completely safe for your rabbit to eat as long as it has been washed. The leaves and flowers of a cantaloupe plant are also safe to eat, so if you have a garden you can feed those to your rabbit as part of its regular portions of leafy greens. You shouldn’t depend on wild or garden plants to feed your rabbit and should always provide them with enough food, leaving supervised foraging as a source of snacks only. The seeds of a cantaloupe are not safe for your rabbit to eat, so make sure to remove all of them when you are cutting the cantaloupe up to keep your rabbit safe. If you are worried about the juice getting on its fur, you can feed your rabbit from your hand to help keep it clean.
Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple?
Yes, rabbits can eat pineapple. Pineapple isn’t one of the healthier options for your rabbit, but the sweet and sugary flavor may cause it to become a favorite treat. Pineapple is definitely healthier than rabbit treats bought from a pet store because it contains natural sugars and antioxidants. However, it has a lot of sugar and therefore a lot of calories, which can cause your rabbit to become obese if used as a treat too often. If you feed your rabbit too much pineapple, it may develop digestive issues such as a slowed digestive tract. This is because pineapple is low in fiber, which rabbits need in order to keep their digestive system moving smoothly; this can happen especially if you aren’t feeding your rabbit enough hay. Pineapple should be fed more sparingly than other fruits because of its high sugar and low fiber content. Despite some popular beliefs, there is no research to suggest that pineapple is particularly good for your rabbit’s digestive system, and it cannot treat blockages or sickness. If your rabbit is sick in any way, you shouldn’t feed it pineapple or any fruit and you should take it to the vet as soon as possible.
Can Rabbits Eat Blackberries?
Yes, rabbits can eat blackberries. Many wild rabbits will eat blackberries in the summer, and they will eat the leaves and stems in addition to the fruits. Berries are usually better for your rabbit because rabbits in general are more adapted to eating berries found in the wild than other fruits. You should always wash the plants you feed to your rabbit, even if you got them from your backyard, as it may not be as hardy as a wild rabbit. Only feed your rabbit fresh, green leaves and stems; avoid wilted leaves carefully. Your rabbit shouldn’t have trouble with the thorns on the blackberry bush, so don’t worry about it getting hurt. The blackberries you feed your rabbit should be ripe but not spoiled; avoid both pink or lightly colored blackberries as well as overripe or rotten berries. Blackberries have some nutrients such as antioxidants, but aren’t a significant source of vitamins or minerals. They have a medium amount of sugar and should be fed as sparingly as any other fruit.
Can Rabbits Eat Cherries?
Yes, rabbits can eat cherries. It’s important to remove the pit and stalk before feeding cherries to your rabbit, and it’s best to feed them on a plate or paper towel to avoid staining your carpet or floor. All types of cherries are safe for rabbits to eat, but organic or local cherries are best because they typically have less pesticides and other chemicals on them. Unlike other fruits like berries, you can’t feed your rabbit any part of the cherry tree except the fruit itself, as all other parts of the tree are poisonous to rabbits. Cherries are very sweet and high in sugar, so you should be careful when feeding them to your rabbit. Cherries are also very acidic and can cause digestive issues such as bloating and gas if fed to your rabbit too often. They also have a higher calcium content than other fruits, which can cause health issues if your rabbit has too much. It’s better to feed your rabbit fresh cherries rather than dried cherries because dried cherries have a much higher concentration of sugar.
Can Rabbits Eat Limes?
No, rabbits can’t eat limes. Limes are extremely acidic and contain minerals such as phosphorus that can make your rabbit gassy and bloated. Limes don’t contain any nutrients that are particularly good for your rabbit, and your rabbit probably won’t like the sour and bitter taste of the fruit. Lime peel is also very toxic to your rabbit and you should never feed it the peel or allow it to eat it. You should also be careful not to let your rabbit eat the seeds, as these are toxic as well. You can let your rabbit taste the pulp of a lime if you really want to, but overall it’s best not to give your rabbit this fruit as a treat. In fact, you may choose to use lime juice a deterrent to keep your rabbit from eating or chewing on other objects. You can mix lime juice with water and put it in a spray bottle to spray on objects your rabbit is chewing on.
Can Rabbits Eat Lemons?
No, rabbits can’t eat lemons. Similar to limes, your rabbit probably won’t want to eat a sour lemon even if you offer it to them. Still, lemon juice in small amounts won’t hurt your rabbit. Many people use lemon juice to keep fruit from browning, so if you use a small amount of lemon juice to preserve an apple or a banana, you can still feed that fruit to your rabbit without worrying. Typically, your rabbit won’t even notice the taste of the juice in this situation and it shouldn’t bother them. However, you should avoid feeding the pulp directly to your rabbit as it is high in sugar and acid and can easily hurt your rabbit’s sensitive stomach. You should also avoid feeding the peel or seeds to your rabbit as these can both be toxic to it.
Can Rabbits Eat Mangoes?
Yes, rabbits can eat mangoes. Mangoes don’t contain any toxins or chemicals that could harm your rabbit, so they make a great treat. Even if your rabbit eats a little too much mango, it won’t cause lasting damage the way that other fruits can. However, mangoes do have a high sugar content and that can cause digestive issues if eaten in large amounts. Mangoes have a moderate amount of dietary fiber, but not enough to replace the plants that your rabbit needs to eat on a daily basis. On the bright side, mangoes also contain plenty of the vitamins A and C, which help keep your rabbit healthy. Rabbits can eat both the flesh and the peel of a mango, but you should never let them have the pit as this can be highly toxic. You can try feeding your rabbit both unripe and ripe mangoes to see which flavor they prefer, but you shouldn’t feed your rabbit over-ripe fruit.
Can Rabbits Eat Papaya?
Yes, rabbits can eat papaya. Papayas are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, which can help older rabbits with the swelling caused by arthritis. Papayas also have plenty of digestive enzymes, which may help dissolve hairballs that get stuck in your rabbit’s digestive tract. However, papayas also have a high sugar and calorie content, so they should be fed sparingly. Too much of them can cause your rabbit to gain weight, which can cause a number of health issues. Use papaya as a treat once or twice a week, or if you suspect your rabbit has a hairball and needs some digestive help. About a teaspoon is enough to give your rabbit as a treat or as a digestive aid. Rabbits can also eat the skin and leaves of the papaya safely, as long as they are fresh.
Can Rabbits Eat Pears?
Yes, rabbits can eat pears. Pears contain many vitamins and minerals that can help your rabbit stay healthy. You should be careful not to feed your rabbit the seeds or stems of the pear, but pear skin and leaves are okay. Pear seeds contain cyanide just like apple seeds, and because your rabbit is so small, even a small amount can hurt or kill them. Don’t feed your rabbit more than one or two small slices of pear at a time, as otherwise you can cause digestive issues due to the high sugar and low fiber content. Don’t feed your rabbit cooked pears or other fruits, as this raises the amount of sugar and reduces the amount of fiber in the fruit. The same goes for dried pears.
Can Rabbits Eat Plums?
Yes, rabbits can eat plums. However, plums don’t contain significant sources of vitamins or minerals to help your rabbit, and they have a lot of sugar. It’s safe for your rabbit to eat the skin of the plum, but you should never let them eat the pit. The pit of a plum contains many chemicals that are harmful to your rabbit and could cause death. Always monitor your rabbit when feeding them fruit like plums and make sure you cut the fruit into small pieces. Watch your rabbit after you feed it any plum for the first time to make sure they are behaving normally and aren’t having any digestive issues. Your rabbit may choose to eat only the skin or the flesh of the fruit, which is perfectly fine. The skin of a plum has more fiber than the flesh, which makes it slightly better for your rabbit. However, no part of the fruit should replace their regular meals of hay and vegetables.
Can Rabbits Eat Raspberries?
Yes, rabbits can eat raspberries. Like blackberries, wild rabbits will eat raspberries off the plant whenever they are available. The seeds of a raspberry are extremely small and your rabbit can digest them safely, so don’t worry about picking them off the fruit. However, you should cut the raspberry up into small pieces before feeding it to your rabbit. The stems and leaves of the raspberry plant are also safe for rabbits to eat, but make sure that they are fresh and not wilted to keep your rabbit healthy. Don’t feed your rabbit unripe or spoiled raspberries, and also be careful with raspberries bought from the store. You should always wash fruit thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit, ideally by soaking it in water for several minutes. Raspberries are lower in sugar than other fruits but you should still only feed them to your rabbit a few times a week, every other day at most.
Can Rabbits Eat Figs?
No, rabbits can’t eat figs. Figs have an exceptionally high sugar content and therefore can be unsafe for your rabbit to eat. Rabbits can’t digest sugar properly, and too much sugar can ferment in their stomach and cause unsafe bacteria to grow. Figs have so much sugar that even a small amount poses a risk. Prunes, the dried form of figs, have an even higher concentration of sugar and should never be fed to your rabbit. However, the leaves and twigs of a fig tree are safe for rabbits to eat. If you want to feed your rabbit twigs from a fig tree, make sure they are drained of the bitter sap before giving them to your rabbit. Your rabbit can’t survive solely on leaves and twigs, however. You should make sure you’re providing them with adequate hay and leafy greens to keep them full and healthy.
Can Rabbits Eat Dried Fruit?
No, rabbits can’t eat dried fruit. While very small amounts may not hurt your rabbit, most dried fruits bought from a store are loaded with added sugars and preservatives that will harm your rabbit’s digestive system if eaten too much. Dried fruits also naturally have higher concentrations of sugar compared to an equal portion of fresh fruit, and therefore have more calories. Any fruit that has trace amounts of harmful chemicals in it will have higher concentrations of that chemical in the dried version as well. If you feed your rabbit dried fruit, you should feed them much less than you would fresh fruit; a good rule is to feed only half as much dried fruit as you would fresh fruit. However, if possible you should avoid this altogether, and only use dried fruits if you have no other treats on hand.
Related Questions
Can rabbits eat nuts? No. Nuts are high in fats and starches, which rabbits can’t digest safely. Because they are herbivores, rabbits are biologically equipped to only digest fibrous plants. Nuts will upset your rabbit’s stomach and can cause serious health issues.
Should I buy rabbit treats from the store? While store-bought treats may not hurt your rabbit, they contain many artificial ingredients and are high in sugar. Feeding your rabbit fresh fruit is a better alternative to processed treats.
When can my rabbit start eating fruit? Rabbits can begin eating fruit after they are about 7 months old and have begun eating fresh vegetables. Introduce fruit slowly to allow your rabbit to get used to the new foods. If your rabbit becomes overweight, stop feeding it fruit until it returns to a healthy weight.